Title : DC motor
Objectives : to choose the right DC motor to be used as the generator
Contents : everyday i search the internet to allow me to find the motor with higher voltage but low revolution per minute.. but my search returned to zero results.. if i wanted to use motor from remote car, it has low voltage with higher rpm.. it is not suitable for my project because i need high voltage with low rpm.. then i go to visit Jalan Pasar to find the motor.. but unfortunately, the seller does not know well about the motor, and plus, there is no label on the motor to indicate its characteristics..
Results : the best motor is magnetic tape drive which can be found in computer mainframe from era 80's from Ametek production.. but that motor hardly to be found nowadays.. i had search on mudah.my about that motor but it is sold out.. so, i had to choose other motor.. then i found an old printer in my house.. i decided to unscrew it and check the motor inside it..
after unscrew all the component, i had found out there is three motor inside one printer.. and all the motor operate in high voltage up to 12V but in a low revolution per minute..
the left one cannot be used because it had 4wires out of it.. besides, the turns of the motor also having stepped and that is not suitable for smoother rotation.. the right one operate in 12V and have low rpm.. i decided to use that one but unfortunately it is already not functioning.. so i got no other choices, i used the middle one..
i had mounted the smaller gearing system at the end of the motor, so that it can be connected to the gearing system attached to the turbine..
Conclusion : this motor can generate about 4V when i turn the motor with my fingers.. this is great.. i hope when everything complete, the voltage generated will be at least more than 5V and can light up a bulb..