Thursday, 19 April 2012

Week 8

Title : Past Project

Objectives : To study past project and relate it with my project

Contents : i had done some research regarding my title that is Development of Renewable Energy using Wind, and i had found one project that look similar to mine.. the title is Design and Development of Green Electricity,

Results : as we can see from the website, he tell us about how he design a wave generated solenoid to be used as a supply.. i got the idea from that.. just imagine if we can convert the system that he had been discovered to be used on the sea wave, and put it at all time wind that had at any moments.. we surely can generated electricity although there is a little wind that had been blown up.. so i need to design a solenoid that look alike like what he had done but in a tiny small design.. that might be difficult for me but i will try my best to make it possible..

Conclusion : everything in this world is possible to be done.. so what we need is just a patience and a hard work to make it reality.. pray for me buddy.. if this come true, everyone in this world will get benefit from it.. yeah....

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Week 7

Title : FYP Presentation

Objectives : To prepare a slide show based on Development of Renewable Energy Using Wind

Contents : On 12th April 2012, we had been undergo Final Year Project's presentation at Dewan Gemilang UniKL BMI.. There is 5 places for the student to present their slideshow.. there is at Dewan Gemilang, Foyer TTL, Level 1, 2 and 3.. i had been given to present at Dewan Gemilang.. my assessor are AAA and ZBZ that is Sir Azman Abd Aziz and Mdm Zabariah Bte Zakaria.. both of them came at the same time.. they asked me a lot of questions regarding my Final Year Project that is Development of Renewable Energy Using Wind.. and I had answered them clearly and they understood what is my project about.. 
Results : 

Conclusion : now, i need to wait for the result to come out.. i hope that i got a good result from both of them..