Title : Gearing System
Objectives : To make the rotation of the motor more faster than the turbine
Contents : I wanted to make my output voltage higher than anyone expected.. therefore, i need to come out with a solution to make sure that this can be happened.. i had been thinking about the bicycle system, how when we cycling the bicycle, it can move faster although we cycle it slowly.. then i decided to buy a small and large sprocket to be attached to my turbine.. but something crossed my mind.. if i used the bicycle sprocket, it might give some weight to my prototype.. therefore, i need to think something else but have the same function as the sprocket.
Results : after asking an opinion from my friends, i got a new solution to it.. why don't i used a timing belt instead of the sprocket.. the timing belt is more light than the sprocket and have the same function..
i mounted the timing belt gear at the rod attached to my turbine..
and the belt is also suitable to be put on it.. therefore, i will stick with this decision..
Conclusion : the turbine is almost complete with the gearing system.. when the turbine move, the motor will move twice of the rotational of the turbine.. and when this happen, the output voltage also will be twice from without gearing system..