Saturday, 1 September 2012

Week 16

Title : Ordinary Wind Turbine

Objectives : To test the current design of wind turbine, whether it is the best or not..

Contents : i had doing some research regarding the wind turbine that popular in the country with strong wind blow like Denmark.. The design of it just an arrangement of the blade mounted on the shaft..

Results : after go through the current design of the blade, i decided to make one for my project.. i used new CD for my tester, because if i used an old one, it might effect the entire system of the blade, because of the instability due to scratches..
i bought a polystyrene as the base for the blade and to hold it in its position.. then i try to make sure that the degree of the CD are best for the air to be trapped..

i tried to make it turn horizontally, but the air cannot be trapped with full power.. when i make it vertically, then it turns crazily.. but i do not want to make my project as simple as this.. so i decided to make this as my reference for the next design.

Conclusion : as a conclusion, all that i had done for this week will become my experience and i will use it as my reference regarding renewable energy..