Thursday, 8 November 2012

Week 28

Title : Industry Day

Objectives : Presentation of my project

Contents : today my presentation flow with what i want the most.. everything are under control.. although both my assessor give me advise to improve my project, but they also said that my project can be commercialize..

Results :
i got top 20, huhu.. Alhamdulillah..

and below is the video about the overview of my project.. please enjoy watching it, hehe..

Conclusion : Firstly, i would like to thanks to all who help me a lot in achieving my objectives of my project, especially Nurhazwani Zamli and Sir Abdul Rashid Othman.. without them, i am nothing today.. thanks a lot.. i hope this will be my platform for me to excellent in renewable energy scope during my master, aminn..

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Week 27

Title : poster and preparation..

Objectives : to design the poster and make preparation for the finale..

Contents : tonight, i need to design my poster to be placed during exhibition day.. i must make sure that my poster are following the criteria required by the assessor.. and i also must prepare for the questionnaire that will be asked by the assessor.. everything i must cover and make sure that during presentation day, my prototype run smoothly..
Results :
but my advisor does not like this poster, and asking me to make a new one.. so i come out with this..

Conclusion : this is what i can done for my final year project.. hope during my presentation, i can do my best.. pray for me please..

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Week 26

Title : last testing

Objectives : to test the last time

Contents : after finish with my design and shape of the turbine, i got less time to test my prototype.. i does not have enough time to test it at the kite field, so i just using the table fan to run the test..
Results :

Conclusion : this result shows good result.. I'm happy with that..

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Week 25

Title : new improvement

Objectives : to attach new improvement to the turbine

Contents : the current turbine is in vertical shape and requires large spaces.. so i change it into horizontal shape and put some new invention that never be done before,  an air trap mechanism..

Results : after measuring the length and the width of my turbine, i started to cut the perspek that i had bought before.. the perspek will be placed at every corner of my turbine..

Conclusion : this new invention will make sure that my turbine will move faster than without the air trap mechanism..

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Week 24

Title : Changes in Concept

Objectives : to test various ways in achieving objectives

Contents : i had made some new improvement in my way of achieving my goal.. i had change the bearing from using cradle bearing into scooter bearing.. after doing some research and visit to the bike shop, i decided to use one of this..

Results :

Conclusion : this is my first try.. so i hope that my blade can rotate with ease.. Aminn..

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Week 23

Title : too heavy and tall

Objectives : to adjust the length and weight of the blade

Contents : i had measure and test my blade, but unfortunately, it is too heavy and long.. i need to make some alteration.. the blade cannot be like this.. if it continue like this, my turbine will not rotate in low wind..

Results : so what i had done is, i cut my blade into half.. that's mean that i cut the length and weight into half too..

Conclusion : this turbine still can rotate in low wind and very cute. hehe

Monday, 8 October 2012

Week 22

Title : testing again

Objectives : to test the final blade

Contents : after undergoing some cleaning process, i tested back my turbine to make sure that it can rotate.. and if not, i got enough time to adjust it back..
Results :
i try to make the turbine to stay at the bottom and the holder is at the top.. but the weight make it harder to turn with ease..

then i try to rotate it, make the holder to hold the whole turbine.. and it make some good results.. the turbine move faster than before..

Conclusion : i start developing the turbine based on new discovery today.. so i hope that there is no more changes to be made..

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Week 21

Title : "Room Service"

Objectives : to clean-up the turbine

Contents : i go back to the welding shop to use their equipment.. my blade got some dirty things in it, so i went to use their air blower..
Results :

Conclusion : now my turbine is clean from all the dirt things.. it can rotate more faster than before.. yeay..

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Week 20

Title : DC motor

Objectives : to choose the right DC motor to be used as the generator

Contents : everyday i search the internet to allow me to find the motor with higher voltage but low revolution per minute.. but my search returned to zero results.. if i wanted to use motor from remote car, it has low voltage with higher rpm.. it is not suitable for my project because i need high voltage with low rpm.. then i go to visit Jalan Pasar to find the motor.. but unfortunately, the seller does not know well about the motor, and plus, there is no label on the motor to indicate its characteristics..
Results : the best motor is magnetic tape drive which can be found in computer mainframe from era 80's from Ametek production.. but that motor hardly to be found nowadays.. i had search on about that motor but it is sold out.. so, i had to choose other motor.. then i found an old printer in my house.. i decided to unscrew it and check the motor inside it..
after unscrew all the component, i had found out there is three motor inside one printer.. and all the motor operate in high voltage up to 12V but in a low revolution per minute..
the left one cannot be used because it had 4wires out of it.. besides, the turns of the motor also having stepped and that is not suitable for smoother rotation.. the right one operate in 12V and have low rpm.. i decided to use that one but unfortunately it is already not functioning.. so i got no other choices, i used the middle one.. 
i had mounted the smaller gearing system at the end of the motor, so that it can be connected to the gearing system attached to the turbine..

Conclusion : this motor can generate about 4V when i turn the motor with my fingers.. this is great.. i hope when everything complete, the voltage generated will be at least more than 5V and can light up a bulb..

Saturday, 29 September 2012

Week 19

Title : Bearing

Objectives : to choose the suitable bearing to be used in my prototype

Contents : this is the most difficult part to be completed.. i need to find the bearing that smooth enough to hold the turbine, so that it can turns at low wind blow.. i had spent an amount of money which had same value as one KFC snack plate, to buy a pair of skateboard bearing.. but i had make a mistake.. the bearings are too small to be put on the rod of my turbine.. when the bearing cannot be done, i got stress for a while, thinking about the bearing.. then i decided to go back to the welding shop to ask about the bearing whether they have it or not, and if they do not have it, maybe they know where i can buy it.. i had my luck on that day, the welding shop had the bearing that i wanted.. he proposed me cradle bearing, which is more bigger than the skateboard bearing.. and the bearing is smooth, i like it..
Results :
the bearing got many sizes and smoothness.. i decided to choose the smoothest one.. i will welding the bearing on the top of my rod to hold the turbine.. but what worried me mostly is can the turbine rotate with this bearing.. i need to finish my prototype completely for me to test my turbine..

Conclusion : i hope that with the choose of the cradle bearing, i had made a right choice in my life.. hopefully, the bearing can function as i wanted it to..

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Week 18

Title : Gearing System

Objectives : To make the rotation of the motor more faster than the turbine

Contents : I wanted to make my output voltage higher than anyone expected.. therefore, i need to come out with a solution to make sure that this can be happened.. i had been thinking about the bicycle system, how when we cycling the bicycle, it can move faster although we cycle it slowly.. then i decided to buy a small and large sprocket to be attached to my turbine.. but something crossed my mind.. if i used the bicycle sprocket, it might give some weight to my prototype.. therefore, i need to think something else but have the same function as the sprocket.
Results : after asking an opinion from my friends, i got a new solution to it.. why don't i used a timing belt instead of the sprocket.. the timing belt is more light than the sprocket and have the same function.. 

i mounted the timing belt gear at the rod attached to my turbine..
and the belt is also suitable to be put on it.. therefore, i will stick with this decision..

Conclusion : the turbine is almost complete with the gearing system.. when the turbine move, the motor will move twice of the rotational of the turbine.. and when this happen, the output voltage also will be twice from without gearing system..

Monday, 10 September 2012

Week 17

Title : Horizontal Turbine

Objectives : To test the rotational of horizontal turbine

Contents : while i keep thinking about what to be used for my project, and what design should i made, i find a good component to be used as my blade.. i got this idea when i see my neighbor cleaned up his air-conditioner system.. i see a rotational blade inside it and i decided to go to the secondhand shop to get one for my project..
this turbine got a narrow gap between its blade and hopefully it can trapped air with full power.. but the most difficult task is to broke it down.. i need to unscrew all the screw but i got less equipment to do so.. therefore, i decided to go to the welding shop to borrow their equipment..

Results : after finished unscrew the parts, i got that turbine and this is how it looks like..

but, i got another task to do.. the base for the turbine need some alteration.. luckily i am at the welding shop, so i ask the worker to help me to alter it back.. and the worker also put a rod at the middle of the turbine to hold it.. thanks for helping me dude..

Conclusion : i think i will stick with this turbine and will make the turbine spin with ease in a slow wind.. please pray for me..

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Week 16

Title : Ordinary Wind Turbine

Objectives : To test the current design of wind turbine, whether it is the best or not..

Contents : i had doing some research regarding the wind turbine that popular in the country with strong wind blow like Denmark.. The design of it just an arrangement of the blade mounted on the shaft..

Results : after go through the current design of the blade, i decided to make one for my project.. i used new CD for my tester, because if i used an old one, it might effect the entire system of the blade, because of the instability due to scratches..
i bought a polystyrene as the base for the blade and to hold it in its position.. then i try to make sure that the degree of the CD are best for the air to be trapped..

i tried to make it turn horizontally, but the air cannot be trapped with full power.. when i make it vertically, then it turns crazily.. but i do not want to make my project as simple as this.. so i decided to make this as my reference for the next design.

Conclusion : as a conclusion, all that i had done for this week will become my experience and i will use it as my reference regarding renewable energy..

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Week 15

Title : New Concept

Objectives : To test new concept about wind turbine

Contents : I had opened a webpage regarding my wind turbine design.. and I had found out something amazing.. The blogger used a plastic bottle to make a wind turbine.. The steps to do it are very simple but interesting.. Therefore, I decided to give it a try..

Results : After get a rough time cutting the bottle to get a good shape, I had made 2 bottle that can turn when the wind blow..

 for the white bottle, i had made it to open outside from the bottle.. so it can attract the wind.. for the green bottle, i had made it to open inside, and the results are more better than the white bottle..
this is the closer view of the green bottle.. i put the sellotape to make sure that the position of the bend side are hold in it position..
i made a hole at the cap of the bottle, and put a wire through it.. and it turn smoothly with slow wind.. but unfortunately, it is not suitable for my project.. this is because, when the wind blow, the bottle also swing, and it reduce the turn of the bottle..

Conclusion : i need to make a new design for my project.. i cannot proceed with this design because of the swinging of the bottle.. i had put some weight at the bottom of the bottle, but it just slow it down.. so the next entry, i will show u all my new design..

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Week 14

Title : Base for the project

Objectives : to find suitable base for my development of renewable energy using wind's project

Contents : at first, i had buy a 45cm x 30cm clear acrylic sheet or we called it perspek.. it is designed to be a base, but it is not strong enough to hold a project.. after buying and testing it, the prespek broke  into 2 parts... 

Results : after doing some research, i decided to buy a wooden base to be my base.. I'm not buying an ordinary wood, but a drawing base.. so, it quite nice to see..

Conclusion : now i proceed with the wood to become my base.. i hope that i will not buy another base.. haha

Friday, 8 June 2012

Week 13

Title : Multimeter

Objectives : to find a suitable multimeter to attach to the board

Contents : for my project, i have to display the value for current or voltage that i get from the moving of magnet inside the solenoid.. therefore, i had walk around Jalan Pasar to find that multimeter.. it is difficult for me to use existing multimeter that is huge and heavy..

Results : after taking some consideration from friends, i decided to buy digital multimeter that can display the voltage that i get from the movement of magnet inside the solenoid..

this multimeter i bought for about RM25.00.. this multimeter can vary from 200mV to 200V.. it is suitable for me because my output voltage depends on the power of wind.. if my output voltage during presentation is low, so i can vary the setting for my multimeter at 200mV..

Conclusion : this multimeter need external supply of 5V.. therefore, i have to buy at least a battery to make this happen.. but in my mind, i would like to use an adapter to power it up.. so, i have to go now and buy.. see u soon...

Thursday, 31 May 2012

Week 12

Title : Solenoid Part 2

Objectives : to buy the iron core and make it become solenoid

Contents : after doing some research last week, i had decided to use 2nd hand iron core that i get from unused transformer.. the thickness of the iron core is quite small and related with what i want to use.. therefore, i had make some adjustment to the transformer..
Results : the transformer is from parts of personal computer.. below is the pictures of the iron core that i had been used..

after pull out the iron core from the transformers, this is the results..

Conclusion : this iron core i will used for the rest of the project.. i hope that this project will succeed..

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Week 11

Title : Solenoid Part 1

Objectives : to specify the thickness and number of turns of solenoid around magnet

Contents : A solenoid is a coil wound into a tightly packed helix. In physics, the term solenoid refers to a long, thin loop of wire, often wrapped around a metallic core, which produces a magnetic field when an electric current is passed through it. Solenoids are important because they can create controlled magnetic fields and can be used as electromagnets. The term solenoid refers specifically to a coil designed to produce a uniform magnetic field in a volume of space
Results :

the solenoid that i wish to use must have greater number of turns.  therefore, the electricity produce will be higher, based on the hypothesis that is the higher the number of turns, the greater the electricity produced.

Conclusion : solenoid plays important roles in designing the project that i want to be done by the end of semester 7.. so, i need to make it precisely and any important information must be take consideration.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Week 10

Title : Magnet Research Part 2

Objectives : To buy the magnet

Contents : after doing some research about magnet that i would like to used, i found the best magnet, that is cylindrical form magnet, which can be found in
Results : the shape and design of the magnet are as follows..

each of this magnet cost me about RM25.. so, i had spent about RM75 only at buying this kind of stuff..

Conclusion : this magnet i will use for the rest of my project. i hope that i had bought the right magnet, aminn...