Thursday, 8 November 2012

Week 28

Title : Industry Day

Objectives : Presentation of my project

Contents : today my presentation flow with what i want the most.. everything are under control.. although both my assessor give me advise to improve my project, but they also said that my project can be commercialize..

Results :
i got top 20, huhu.. Alhamdulillah..

and below is the video about the overview of my project.. please enjoy watching it, hehe..

Conclusion : Firstly, i would like to thanks to all who help me a lot in achieving my objectives of my project, especially Nurhazwani Zamli and Sir Abdul Rashid Othman.. without them, i am nothing today.. thanks a lot.. i hope this will be my platform for me to excellent in renewable energy scope during my master, aminn..

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Week 27

Title : poster and preparation..

Objectives : to design the poster and make preparation for the finale..

Contents : tonight, i need to design my poster to be placed during exhibition day.. i must make sure that my poster are following the criteria required by the assessor.. and i also must prepare for the questionnaire that will be asked by the assessor.. everything i must cover and make sure that during presentation day, my prototype run smoothly..
Results :
but my advisor does not like this poster, and asking me to make a new one.. so i come out with this..

Conclusion : this is what i can done for my final year project.. hope during my presentation, i can do my best.. pray for me please..

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Week 26

Title : last testing

Objectives : to test the last time

Contents : after finish with my design and shape of the turbine, i got less time to test my prototype.. i does not have enough time to test it at the kite field, so i just using the table fan to run the test..
Results :

Conclusion : this result shows good result.. I'm happy with that..

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Week 25

Title : new improvement

Objectives : to attach new improvement to the turbine

Contents : the current turbine is in vertical shape and requires large spaces.. so i change it into horizontal shape and put some new invention that never be done before,  an air trap mechanism..

Results : after measuring the length and the width of my turbine, i started to cut the perspek that i had bought before.. the perspek will be placed at every corner of my turbine..

Conclusion : this new invention will make sure that my turbine will move faster than without the air trap mechanism..

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Week 24

Title : Changes in Concept

Objectives : to test various ways in achieving objectives

Contents : i had made some new improvement in my way of achieving my goal.. i had change the bearing from using cradle bearing into scooter bearing.. after doing some research and visit to the bike shop, i decided to use one of this..

Results :

Conclusion : this is my first try.. so i hope that my blade can rotate with ease.. Aminn..

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Week 23

Title : too heavy and tall

Objectives : to adjust the length and weight of the blade

Contents : i had measure and test my blade, but unfortunately, it is too heavy and long.. i need to make some alteration.. the blade cannot be like this.. if it continue like this, my turbine will not rotate in low wind..

Results : so what i had done is, i cut my blade into half.. that's mean that i cut the length and weight into half too..

Conclusion : this turbine still can rotate in low wind and very cute. hehe

Monday, 8 October 2012

Week 22

Title : testing again

Objectives : to test the final blade

Contents : after undergoing some cleaning process, i tested back my turbine to make sure that it can rotate.. and if not, i got enough time to adjust it back..
Results :
i try to make the turbine to stay at the bottom and the holder is at the top.. but the weight make it harder to turn with ease..

then i try to rotate it, make the holder to hold the whole turbine.. and it make some good results.. the turbine move faster than before..

Conclusion : i start developing the turbine based on new discovery today.. so i hope that there is no more changes to be made..